
Showing posts from July, 2022

What do raccoons look like?

One of the questions people ask most about raccoons, especially in those areas where raccoons aren't endemic, is "What do raccoons look like?" Well, that's a pretty good question, since there are so many different types of raccoons out there! Raccoons are known to live 16 years in the captivity, and only 2-3 years in the wild. They may differ in size, fur color, and markings, but they all have certain things in common. So, let's take a look at some of the different features that you might find in a typical raccoon.  So, What Exactly Do Raccoons Look Like? Raccoons are medium-sized animals that are usually around two to three feet long. They have bushy ringed tails and furry bodies that are usually grayish-brown in color. One of the most distinctive features of raccoons is their black "mask" of fur around their eyes. In fact, they're one of the few animals that can climb down a tree head first! They are known for their sharp claws

What do raccoons look like?

One of the questions people ask most about raccoons, especially in those areas where raccoons aren't endemic, is "What do raccoons look like?" Well, that's a pretty good question, since there are so many different types of raccoons out there! Raccoons are known to live 16 years in the captivity, and only 2-3 years in the wild. They may differ in size, fur color, and markings, but they all have certain things in common. So, let's take a look at some of the different features that you might find in a typical raccoon.  So, What Exactly Do Raccoons Look Like? Raccoons are medium-sized animals that are usually around two to three feet long. They have bushy ringed tails and furry bodies that are usually grayish-brown in color. One of the most distinctive features of raccoons is their black "mask" of fur around their eyes. In fact, they're one of the few animals that can climb down a tree head first! They are known for their sharp claws

Are Foxes Nocturnal?

Foxes are a member of the canidae family, which includes wolves, jackals, and dogs. They are common in woodlands, as well as rural and urban areas, and are relatively small compared to their canine cousins. Most members of the canidae family are active at night, but what about foxes? Are these little creatures nocturnal? Are Foxes Nocturnal? The simple answer is: yes, foxes are nocturnal animals. This means that they are most active at night and sleep during the day. However, foxes are not purely nocturnal animals and can also be active during the day, especially in the early morning or late afternoon. This is because foxes are crepuscular animals, which means that they are most active at dawn and dusk. So, while foxes are technically nocturnal animals, they are not entirely active at night and can also be seen during the day. Advantages Of Being Nocturnal There are a few advantages to being nocturnal, particularly for a wild animal. For one,

What Does A Woodpecker Hole Look Like?

Woodpeckers are some of the most interesting birds in the world. Not only are they known for their distinctive “woodpecker” sound, but they are also known for their habit of making holes into trees. This pecking or drumming can leave behind some pretty noticeable holes in the tree bark. So, what does that hole look like and how do we know if a woodpecker made it? Woodpecker Holes A hole made by a woodpecker is usually oval or round in shape. It is also usually quite small, only about an inch or so in diameter. The hole will be smooth around the edges and will often have wood shavings or chips near it. The depth of the hole will depend on how deep the woodpecker was pecking. Some woodpeckers will only peck the surface of the tree, while others will peck all the way through to the wood beneath the bark. A pileated woodpecker, for example, will make a hole that is about 4 to 5 inches deep, while a red-bellied woodpecker will only make a shallow hole. Pileated woodp

When Do Birds Nest?

Spring is a time of renewal, and for many people that means watching the world around them come back to life. One of the most fascinating parts of nature is seeing how different creatures adapt and thrive in their environments. Learning about when birds start nesting can help you appreciate the natural world even more. It can also help you be better prepared for what’s to come – whether you’re a bird enthusiast or just someone who wants to enjoy the warmer weather without worrying about poop on your head. So, When Do Birds Start Nesting? Different birds nest at different times of the year. But generally, birds start nesting when the weather is warm and they can find enough food to support their young. In North America, most birds start nesting in the spring. This is because there are more insects around for them to eat, and the trees are starting to bloom. The earliest ones to nest and lay eggs are usually those that live in warm climates. For example, the American

Can You Catch Leprosy from Armadillos?

Can You Catch Leprosy from Armadillos? You may have seen them on the side of the road, or even in your backyard. Armadillos are small, armored animals that can be found throughout the South-Eastern United States. While they may seem harmless, armadillos are actually one of the two mammals that can carry leprosy. But can you actually catch leprosy from an armadillo? What is Leprosy? Leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease, is a chronic bacterial infection that can cause skin lesions, nerve damage, and blindness. It's a disease that is as old as mankind, and it's thought to have originated in Asia or Africa. Leprosy is spread through close contact with an infected individual, usually through contact with respiratory secretions, such as saliva or mucus. The good news is that leprosy is not very contagious. Leprosy in Armadillos Armadillos are the only other mammal besides humans that can carry leprosy. In fact, armadillos are the primary source of l

Do Rattlesnakes Swim?

In the mood to go on a short vacation on a hot summer day? You're not the only one! Many animals take advantage of the season by cooling off in bodies of water. But can all animals swim? What about snakes? Do they take a dip to escape the heat? There are many different types of snakes, and each type has its own set of abilities. For example, some snakes can climb trees while others can burrow underground. What about rattlesnakes? Can they swim? What is a Rattlesnake? Rattlesnakes are a type of snake that lives in North and South America. These reptiles get their name from the rattle on their tails, which they use to make a loud noise as a warning to predators or prey. They are venomous, meaning they have poison in their bites that can be harmful - even deadly - to humans and other animals. Rattlesnakes use their venom to kill their prey before eating it. They are carnivores, which means they only feed on other animals. Some of the animals that these creatures like t

How Many Rattles on a Rattlesnake?

The rattles on a rattlesnake are its most distinguishing feature. When threatened, the snake will shake its tail, causing the rattles to emit a loud buzzing noise. This warning serves to scare off potential predators and warn them of the snake's venomous bite. At a glance, these rattles seem like segmented beads that are loosely attached to the snake's tail, and it looks like there is quite a bit of them. So, how many rattles does a typical rattlesnake have? We'll take a look at these fascinating snake adaptations and find out. What Exactly Is In A Rattlesnake Rattle? A rattlesnake's rattle is actually made up of a series of keratinous segments that are loosely attached to the snake's tail. These segments are filled with air pockets, and as the snake vibrates its tail, the air pockets create the characteristic buzzing sound. The rattles on a rattlesnake are actually modified scales. These scales are called annuli and they cover the entirety of th

Do Copperhead Snakes Swim?

Do copperheads swim? This is a question that many people want to know the answer to, especially since these snakes are notorious for being found near bodies of water. People are often afraid of snakes, and the copperhead is one of the most feared snakes in North America. Many people think that because copperheads are often found near water, they must be good swimmers. But can they really swim? The Copperhead Snake A copperhead snake is a venomous snake included in the pit-viper family. These snakes get their name from the copper-colored head, which is often darker than the body. Copperheads are known to be one of the most venomous snakes in North America. These snakes are venomous and can cause life-threatening injuries. Copperhead snakes tend to be found in wooded areas near streams or rivers. They are often seen basking in the sun on rocks or logs near the water’s edge. They are found in the Eastern or Southeastern United States. So, Do Copperheads Swim? T